DMDC Reserve Component Purchased TRICARE Application (RCPTA)
DMDC Reserve Component Purchased TRICARE Application (RCPTA) is a premium-based health plan for qualified National Guard and Reserve members and their families.
“Please select an authentication type and click on the Continue button”
RC Member ( CAC, DFAS Account, DS Logon )
Verifying Officer
If you have questions regarding your TRICARE Reserve Select eligibility, please contact your Reserve Representative at
For technical assistance or to report system problems with this site please call the DMDC Support Center at 1-800-477-8227
RC Member > Continue,DFAS,FAM
You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG beneficiary self-service-authorized use only. By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions:
• The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations.
• At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS.
• While all personal identifying information (PII) data stored on this IS are protected under the Privacy Act of 1974, all communications using this IS, and the data captured to support this IS, are not private, are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG authorized purpose.
• This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect USG interests--not for your personal benefit or privacy.
• Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE or CI investigative searching or monitoring of the content of privileged communications, or work product, related to personal representation or services by attorneys, psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communications and work product are private and confidential. See User Agreement for details.
CAC = Common Access Card
DoD Self-Service Logon = DS Logon
DFAS Account = myPay
DoD = Department of Defense
For assistance with initial login problems, please call: 800-477-8227
myPay is the DFAS online pay account management system available to all military members, military retirees and many federal civilian employees.
SDP = Savings Deposit Program
DFAS = Defense Finance and Accounting Service
“Providing payment services for the U.S. Department of Defense”
LES = Leave and Earning Statement
Army Reserve Soldiers with unresolved pay problems should email the appropriate address below:
TPU Soldiers - email the RSC that supports your unit's location:
If you have travel pay problems, call 1-888-332-7366.
Active Guard and Reserve and Active Army soldiers with unresolved active duty pay problems contact your installation's Defense Military Pay Office.
For Unresolved Army National Guard Pay Problems, contact ARNG Financial Services Center:
1-877-ARNGPAY (1-877-276-4729)
mypay security
This is a Department of Defense (DOD) Computer System. This computer system, including all related equipment, networks, and network devices (specifically including Internet access), is provided only for authorized U.S. Government use. DOD computer systems may be monitored for all lawful purposes, including to ensure that their use is authorized, for management of the system, to facilitate protection against unauthorized access, and to verify security procedures, survivability, and operational security. Monitoring includes active attacks by authorized DOD entities to test or verify the security of this system. During monitoring, information may be examined, recorded, copied and used for authorized purposes. All information, including personal information, placed or sent over this system may be monitored.
Use of this DOD computer system, authorized or unauthorized, constitutes consent to monitoring of this system. Unauthorized use may subject you to criminal prosecution. Evidence of unauthorized use collected during monitoring may be used for administrative, criminal, or other adverse action. Use of this system constitutes consent to monitoring for these purposes.
The unique combination of LOGIN ID, PASSWORD, and a DOD-specific telephone number used to access myPay makes myPay as secure as using an automated teller machine (ATM) at a bank. myPay users must use a browser with Secure Socket Layers (SSL) protocol with 128-bit encryption software (strong encryption). This combination prevents information from being retrieved by someone else while it is being transmitted.
While myPay uses a variety of security features to protect your data in our system, it is also important that you do everything you can to protect data from being compromised or captured on your computer, especially when using personal computers at home. Here are several things you should consider to protect your data not only when using myPay, but any electronic commerce activity (e.g. on-line banking, credit card purchases, etc.):
1. Install operating system and application software (e.g. Internet Explorer) updates regularly. Many of these updates are issued to fix security problems which have been identified.
2. Install and use anti-virus software and personal firewalls. Keep this software updated. The correct use of these programs can help protect your system from being compromised by malicious software (e.g. software which can capture information processed on your computer, etc). The DOD CERT makes this type of software available for DOD active employees (military and civilian) at:
(This link can only be used from a Department of Defense computer)
3. Do not store your various User-IDs and passwords in files on your computer. If someone gains access to your computer this is the type of information they look for and would aid them in accessing your account.
4. After using your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, etc) to access a site where you process sensitive information (e.g. myPay, your bank account, etc.) close all of your browser windows and restart a new browser session. Sometimes the browser can hold that information in memory (e.g. cache, etc) and some web sites know where to look to find it.
5. Be very careful when installing software that gives others access to your computer. Remote service software or peer-to-peer software used for file sharing can create unintended openings into your computer that outsiders can use if the software is not configured correctly.
If access to myPay functions remains problematic, customers using assistive technology may call the DFAS Customer Service Contact Center at 1-888-DFAS411 (1-888-332-7411) for further assistance and for individualized attention, if needed.
Table of Contents:
Setting up your browser
Trying to get connected
After getting to the site
System Privacy
System Security
System Availability
About myPay
Login ID
About your myPay Password and Personal Identification Number (PIN)
On-Screen Keyboard
Limited Access Password
Email Addresses
Assistance/customer support
LES or Pay statement display and delivery
Tax statements
Printer Friendly Version
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
Direct Deposit
Savings Bonds
State Taxes
Travel Advice of Payment (AOP)
Savings Deposit Program
Non-myPay applications Program
Logging Into myPay Using the On-Screen Keyboard Without a Mouse
Printing and Saving your LES without Using a Mouse
SmartDocs notifications
myPay Mobile
CAC enable
Setting up your browser
1) Which browsers can I use to access this site?
• Browsers Supported by myPay:
1. Internet Explorer version 6.0 or later on Windows
Browsers Blocked from accessing myPay:
2. Internet Explorer before version 5.0 on ALL Operating Systems
3. All browsers without 128-bit encryption on ALL Operating Systems
4. Netscape
Browsers Which May Be Used to Access myPay, But for Which No Support Will be Provided by myPay:
5. All other 128-bit encryption browsers not in the supported or blocked groups above may be used to access myPay. However, no support will be provided by myPay if there are problems with the browser interacting with myPay.
NOTE: If you are using special interpretive software, such as a screen reader, in addition to your browser, you should set the special software to read forms ("forms mode"). If you do not have "forms mode" turned on, you may not be able to change data items in the myPay on-line forms. For some software, you can turn "forms mode" on by pressing the ENTER or RETURN key. Check your software's on-line help for instructions.
2) Can I use the browser provided by My Internet Service Provider?
If you are using a web browser provided by your Internet service provider or on-line service, you might not be able to use the full security capabilities of myPay. (Examples of service providers are America On-Line, CompuServe, and The Microsoft Network.)
We recommend that you use the official Microsoft Internet Explorer, available myPay only supports browsers with JavaScript and strong encryption enabled.
3) What is 128-bit encryption?
In order to use the myPay website, you must use a web browser that supports Secure Socket Layers (SSL) protocol with 128-bit encryption software (strong encryption) and JavaScript enabled. This prevents information from being read by others on the Internet while it is being transmitted between your web browser and the myPay website. 128-bit encryption is the highest level of encryption available.
4) How do I know if I have 128-bit encryption?
Because browsers vary, you should see your system administrator, check the manual, use the help option, or call/e-mail your browser vendor's technical support group to verify that you have 128-bit encryption. If you are unable to use 128-bit encryption, use the myPay Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) toll free at 1-877-363-3677, or commercial at (478) 757-3119. You cannot reach a customer service representative at these numbers (self service only).
5) Where can I get a 128 bit browser?
Microsoft Internet Explorer is available from
6) How do I enable JavaScript?
Since directions for enabling JavaScript vary across browsers, you should see your system administrator, check the manual, use the help option, or call/e-mail your browser vendor's technical support group for instructions and support in enabling JavaScript.
7) What is cache (or caching)?
Browsers can automatically store/save (cache) pages displayed on your monitor to your hard drive. Caching (automatically saving pages to your hard drive) can allow others to see your personal information if they have access to your machine. When you are operating in the SSL mode, some browsers allow you to set the cache to be cleared (deleted) upon exiting the browser. If possible, you should set the cache to be cleared upon exiting the browser when using myPay.
8) How do I set the browser cache to clear upon exiting?
Since directions for clearing the cache vary across browsers, you should see your system administrator, check the manual, use the help option, or call/e-mail your browser vendor's technical support group for instructions and support in setting the browser cache to clear upon exiting. Caching cannot be disabled in every browser, and disabling the caching feature may prevent you from printing your LES.
Trying to get connected
9) How do I access myPay?
If you do not have a myPay Password proceed to FAQ # 34 for instructions on how to obtain a myPay Password.
You can use the Internet or touch-tone telephone to access myPay. On the Internet, you can reach the myPay website at:
1. or
2. (click on myPay).
NOTE: MSN TV users should access myPay through the site, or go directly to the myPay Home Page. Enter Login ID and Password, click the “Go” button. Enter Password on the next page, click “Accept/Submit” button. Your Login ID and Password will disappear, please scroll down the page for the Main Menu Selections. You will be able to click on any of the items listed on the menu.
Using a touch-tone telephone, contact myPay at:
1. If you are calling from the continental U.S., call toll-free at 1-877-363-3677
2. If you are calling from outside of the continental U.S., call commercial at (478) 757-3119.
For security reasons, DO NOT use a cellular phone when calling myPay. You cannot reach a customer service representative at the myPay telephone number, this number is only for self service.
For additional information or assistance, contact the DFAS Centralized Customer Support Unit toll free at 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, or call commercial at (216) 522-5096, or use the Defense Switching Network (DSN) at 580-5096. The Customer Support Unit is available Monday through Friday, from 7 A.M. till 6:30 P.M. Eastern Standard time. You may also contact your customer service representative (see FAQ # 33).
10) Why do I keep getting a "Domain Not Found" error?
Check that you are typing for the URL (location). Also, there could be a problem with the domain service or the connection link you are using.
After getting to the site
11) What do I do with Pop-Up Blockers?
Internet Explorer browser users can eliminate the pop-up blocker problem by following these steps.
1. Click on the "Tools" menu
2. Click on "Internet Options"
3. Click the "Security" tab
4. Click the "Trusted Sites" icon
5. Click the "Sites" button
6. Copy into the Add this web site to the zone field
7. Click the "ADD" button
8. Click the "OK" button
Mozilla browser users can eliminate the pop-up blocker problem by following these steps.
1. Click on the "Tools" menu
2. Choose "Options"
3. Click on the "Web Features" category
4. Click "Add Site"
5. Copy into the "Add Web Site" field
You can also temporarily disable some pop-up blockers by holding down the CTRL key while you click on the GO button. This will usually disable most pop-up blockers.
12) Why isn't my pay system accessible?
First, verify that your pay system is available (see FAQ #34). If your pay system is available but is still not listed your account may not be on-line due to account maintenance, recent transfer or retirement.
13) Why can't I enter my full Social Security Number(SSN)?
Dashes and special characters are not allowed. Type only the numbers in your Social Security Number.
NOTE: If you are using special interpretive software, such as a screen reader, you should set the special software to read forms ("forms mode"). If you do not have "forms mode" turned on, you may not be able to change data items in the myPay on-line forms. For some software, you can turn "forms mode" on by pressing the ENTER or RETURN key. Check your software's on-line help for instructions.
System Privacy
14) How private is my data in myPay?
In order to protect our customer’s privacy, myPay masks Passwords. myPay also masks the first five positions of the SSN on the display and print of pay account statements and travel vouchers. The advantage of using the On-Screen Keyboard, with keys that display in random order each time you log on, is that others are deterred from learning your Password.
Privacy Act Statement: The information you provide to the myPay system is covered by the Privacy Act of 1974. To receive a copy of the Privacy Act Statement for the actions you enter into the system, please see your Local Finance Office or your Customer Service Representative.
AUTHORITY: Title 5 U.S.C. Chapters 53, 55 and 81; Title 10 U.S.C. Chapters 11, 61-73; Title 37 U.S.C.; GAO Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies, Title 6, Chapter 4, para. 4.2.B.2; and E.O. 9397
PRINCIPAL PURPOSES: Information is collected to allow Army, Navy and Air Force active and reserve military paid by the Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS); active and reserve Marines paid by the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS); civilians paid by the Defense Civilian Pay System (DCPS); and retirees/annuitants paid by the Defense Retiree/Annuitant Pay System (DRAS) to execute changes to certain payroll information and to validate the employee in the event he/she needs to reestablish a Password.
ROUTINE USES: Payroll data will be disclosed to financial institutions or other entities as designated by the employee to receive such information.
DISCLOSURE: Voluntary. However, if the employee fails to provide the information requested, DFAS will not be able to process the request. DFAS is authorized to collect and use this information based on the myPay Privacy Act systems notice that is published in the Federal Register, (71 FR 34898, June 16, 2006). The system identifier is T 7336.
System Security
15) How secure is my data on myPay?
This is a Department of Defense (DOD) computer system. This computer system, which includes all related equipment, software, networks, and network devices, is provided only for official U.S. Government business.
DOD computer systems may be monitored by authorized personnel to ensure that their use is authorized to manage the system, to facilitate protection against unauthorized access, and to verify security procedures. During these activities, information stored on this system may be examined, copied and used for authorized security purposes, and data or programs may be placed into this system. Use of this or any other DOD interest computer system constitutes consent to monitoring at all times.
The unique combination of Login ID, Password / PIN used to access myPay makes myPay as secure as using an automated teller machine (ATM) at a bank. myPay users must use a browser with Secure Socket Layers (SSL) protocol with 128-bit encryption software (strong encryption). This combination prevents information from being retrieved by someone else while it is being transmitted.
While myPay uses a variety of security features to protect your data in our system, it is also important that you do everything you can to protect data from being compromised or captured on your computer, especially when using personal computers at home. Here are several things you should consider to protect your data not only when using myPay, but any electronic commerce activity (e.g. on-line banking, credit card purchases, etc.):
1. Install operating system and application software (e.g. Internet Explorer) updates regularly. Many of these updates are issued to fix security problems which have been identified.
2. Install and use anti-virus software and personal firewalls. Keep this software updated. The correct use of these programs can help protect your system from being compromised by malicious software (e.g. software which can capture information processed on your computer, etc). The DOD CERT makes this type of software available for DOD active employees (military and civilian) at:
(This link can only be used from a Department of Defense computer)
3. Do not store your various User-IDs and passwords in files on your computer. If someone gains access to your computer this is the type of information they look for and would aid them in accessing your account.
4. After using your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, etc) to access a site where you process sensitive information (e.g. myPay, your bank account, etc.) close all of your browser windows and restart a new browser session. Sometimes the browser can hold that information in memory (e.g. cache, etc) and some web sites know where to look to find it.
5. Be very careful when installing software that gives others access to your computer. Remote service software or peer-to-peer software used for file sharing can create unintended openings into your computer that outsiders can use if the software is not configured correctly.
System Availability
16) myPay has periods of unavailability due to scheduled DFAS pay system maintenance windows, as shown below. All times are Eastern Time.
Pay System Days Times (Eastern Time)
All Daily (Except Saturday and Monday) 12:00 A.M. - 1:00 A.M.
Every Sunday 12:00 A.M. - 2:00 A.M.
All Marine Corps Every Friday for LES and W-2 10:00 P.M.- 4:00 A.M. (SAT.)
Every Friday for Transactions 11:00 P.M.-8:00 A.M. (SAT.)
17) Where can I find more information about the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)?
You can access the DFAS web page at: for more information.
About myPay
18) What is myPay?
myPay is an innovative, automated system that puts you in control of processing certain discretionary pay data items without using paper forms. You can also get your pay and tax statements, and travel advice of payment using myPay.
19) Why should I use myPay?
myPay saves time - myPay eliminates the need to write letters or fillout forms by letting you make your own changes immediately with user-friendly technology.
myPay is convenient - You can access myPay nearly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to change or review your current information, or to check your most recent pay statement.
myPay is reliable - myPay has the same procedural checks for accuracy as our paper forms.
20) When is myPay available?
myPay is available nearly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Refer to FAQ #16 for the exceptions to this availability.
21) Which personnel and pay changes can I make using myPay?
You can change a variety of discretionary payroll items. You can get a current list of the items you can change from myPay, your servicing payroll office, or your customer service representative.
22) When will my changes be effective?
Upon completion and acceptance of a change, myPay will display a "NO LATER THAN" date. Your change will be effective on or before the date myPay displays.
Annuitants, Military (all services & components), Civilians and Retirees: You can verify the change to your account by accessing myPay three to seven business days after you make the change, or by contacting your customer service representative.
23) How will I know that my change was made?
In keeping with government streamlining efforts and to reduce the use of paper, myPay takes advantage of existing technology and is paperless, so you will not receive any written confirmation. However, myPay displays a "NO LATER THAN" date before and after your change is accepted. Any change you make to your account should be posted no later than this date. You must receive this notification message to ensure that your action has been accepted. If your change does not appear on your account by then, contact your customer service representative. If you have a registered email address, an email notification will be sent when the transaction is sent to your pay system for processing.
Military (Active and Reserve), and Civilians: You may check your Leave and Earnings Statement(LES) to verify that your change was processed.
Annuitants: You will receive a pay statement in the mail each time you make a change to your account.
Retirees: If you make a change to your allotments or federal tax withholding amount, you will receive a Retiree Account Statement (RAS) in the mail reflecting the change in your net pay unless you have elected to receive your RAS electronically.
24) Reserved for future use.
25) I am in a tax exempt status. How does this affect changes I wish to make to my federal taxes?
Civilians: If you filed a W-4 to be in a tax-exempt status, you are not allowed to make federal tax changes.
All Military Members except for Midshipmen and Retirees: With the exception of special statuses, you are allowed to make federal tax exemption changes using myPay.
26) I entered an amount in the federal tax additional withholding amount block. How much money will actually be deducted from my pay each payday?
Civilians: The amount that will be deducted each pay period will be the additional amount entered in addition to the tax withholding based on your current filing status (marital status and exemptions).
All Other Employees/Members except for Former Spouse and Cadets/Midshipmen:The amount you enter will be deducted each month, (one-half each payday if you have two paydays per month) in addition to the tax withholding based on your current filing status (marital status and exemptions).
Reserve/Guard: The amount you entered will be deducted from each drill or day of active duty.
27) Can I change my financial allotments?
All Active Military Members, Military Retirees, and Civilians: You can change your direct deposit financial allotments using myPay.
Warning: Court /support agencies require a case number for payment transactions. You cannot enter a case number and additional information using myPay. Please see your service payroll representative to change any court ordered child/alimony support payments.
Reserve/Guard, Annuitants, Former Spouse and Cadets/Midshipmen: This option does not apply to you.
28) Is there a maximum amount for my financial allotments (including new allotments and increases)?
myPay allows eligible employees/members to start or increase a financial allotment for any amount as long as it does not exceed the amount of available net pay.
Civilian employees should determine their net pay amount before starting any allotments to ensure that existing allotments are not affected by any new allotments.
29) How many financial allotments can I start?
Active Duty Members and Retirees: You are limited by DoD regulations in the number of allotments that you can start. The maximum is six financial allotments, two of which can be savings allotments. (Marine Corps members can have up to six savings allotments.)
Warning: Court /support agencies require a case number for payment transactions. You cannot enter a case number and additional information using myPay. Please see your service payroll representative to start any court ordered child/alimony support payments.
Civilians: myPay will allow you to start a maximum of eight financial allotments.
Reserve/Guard, Annuitants, Former Spouse and Cadets/Midshipmen: This option does not apply to you.
30) What should I do if I find out the change I made on myPay was incorrect or was not the change that I wanted to make?
Any changes you make using myPay can be corrected using myPay at any time. Please submit your change only once. The change will post according to your pay system's update schedule.
31) What information do I need to be able to use myPay?
The first time you access myPay you will still need to enter your Social Security Number (SSN) or Login ID and PIN. You will be prompted to create a Login ID (if you are using your SSN) and a Password. The Login ID and Password will be entered on the home page. You may use an On-Screen Keyboard for additional security. Depending on what you want to do in myPay, you may need additional information.
When a military member retires or transfers to the reserves, the retiree or reserve member may continue to use the same Password that they used while on active duty to access their myPay retired or reserve pay account information.
Login ID
32) What is my Login ID?
Your Login ID will be 6-129 positions of your choosing, containing letters, numbers, and certain special characters. The Login ID will not be masked. You might want to use your email address for your Login ID or some other combination of characters that you will remember.
You cannot use 9 numbers for the Login ID.
The Login ID may not contain spaces.
The Login ID must not be less than 6 characters and no more than 129 characters.
For a Login ID using an email address, the email address can be no more than 129 positions.
You will not be allowed to use the same Login ID that someone else is using.
The Login ID may contain alphabetic (letters) and/or numeric characters and may also contain the following special characters:
@ (at sign)
_ (underscore)
- (dash)
. (Period)
' (apostrophe)
If you were given a Limited Access Password by a myPay customer, you will also be provided your own Login ID from the myPay customer once they have established one for you.
If you create a Login ID and exit the system before creating a new Password, you must request a new Password before you can proceed. You may obtain a temporary Password by clicking on the hyperlink “Forgot or Need a Password ” on the myPay home page. You must use the new temporary Password to access myPay to create your own Password.
33) What can I do if I forget my Login ID?
There is a “Forgot Your Login ID" link on the home page. When you click on it you will be provided instructions to retrieve your Login ID. You will be asked to enter your previously registered email address and Social Security Number and then your Login ID will be emailed to you. If you do not have a registered email address, you will be asked for your Social Security Number and Password.
About your myPay Password
34) How do I get a Password?
If you do not know, have not received or suspended your Temporary orCustomized Password, you may request a new temporary Password. Please click on the hyperlink “Forgot or Need a Password” on the myPay home page.
Security Restrictions allow Passwords to be emailed to addresses that have been pre-registered from the appropriate administrator or to a pre-defined Personal Email you provided previously in myPay.
If you do not have a pre-registered email address, you can request that a password be mailed to you. The new temporary Password will be mailed to your address of record in your pay system. Password letters will be mailed within two business days. Delivery time will vary based upon your location and postal service volume. If you do not receive your Password letter within ten business days, please verify your mailing address with your pay system.
If we cannot mail/email a new random temporary Password to you, the screen will display procedures for obtaining a new Password. Please check with your local finance/pay office, they may be able to assist you in obtaining a Password.
Note: If you are offered the Password by email or Password by mail option and your email or home address of record has not been updated, you can fax or mail your request for a Password reset. Please check with your local finance/pay office before you fax or mail in your request. You can also scan your ID card and attach it to your email. Please use the Contact Us option on the myPay home page. Please include the following information:
• Name
• Copy of your government photo ID (If you do not have a government photo ID, you can send a copy of your driver's license or other photo ID.)
• Daytime phone number
• Signature
FAX: 216-367-3549 or
Send this information to:
Attention myPay
1240 East 9th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44199
If you Fax, Mail or email your request, your new Temporary Password will be 8 numbers, the last four (4) numbers of your SSN twice. For example, if the last four (4) numbers of your SSN are 1234, then your temporary Password will be reset to 12341234. Please wait at least two business days before attempting to use your new temporary Password (allow additional time if you mailed your request). You will not receive any notification that your temporary Password has been reset.
If this process does not work for you or you need additional assistance with obtaining a Password, please contact the Customer Support Unit Toll Free at 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, Commercial 216-522-5096 or Defense Switching Network (DSN) at 580-5096.
35) What may I use for a Password?
The Password must be no less than 8 characters and no more than 15 characters.
The Password cannot contain the last 4 numbers of your Social Security Number.
The Password cannot match your current Login ID.
Your current Password cannot match any of your previous 10 Passwords.
In addition to at least 1 letter (A-Z) and at least 1 number (0-9), the Password must contain at least 1 of these special characters:
# (pound or number sign)
@ (at sign)
$ (dollar sign)
^ (caret)
! (exclamation point)
* (asterisk)
+ (plus sign)
= (equal sign)
_ (underscore)
% (percent)
36) Can I change my Password or PIN?
Yes. You can change your Password or PIN at any time. Click on the Personal Settings page for the Change Password and Change PIN options.
On-Screen Keyboard
37) What is an On-Screen Keyboard?
The On-Screen Keyboard is one of many Security features myPay has introduced to protect your data in our system. The advantage of using the On-Screen Keyboard, with keys that display in random order each time you log on, is that others are deterred from learning your Password.
When Java-Script is enabled, each time you arrive at myPay and enter your Login ID, you will be presented with the option to use the On-Screen Keyboard to enter your Password. You’ll use your mouse with the On-Screen Keyboard to enter the characters contained in your Password.
To log in to myPay using the On-Screen Keyboard with a mouse:
1. Type your Login ID under Account Access on the myPay Home Page and click on On-Screen Keyboard hyperlink.
2. Next, click on the appropriate numbers, letters and special characters of your Password using the On-Screen Keyboard. Your Password will be masked in the text box. When you have finished, click the "Accept/Submit" button.
3. If you enter an incorrect number, letter or special character using the On-Screen Keyboard, click on the On-Screen Keyboard Backspace button to erase the last position entered. If you want to clear all the numbers/letters/special characters that you have entered, click on the Clear button on the On-Screen Keyboard. You can also tab to the On-Screen Keyboard Backspace button or Clear button and select the button by pressing the space bar.
If the On-Screen Keyboard is not visible on the home page, please try the following steps:
1. Go to the Internet Browser Tool Bar
2. Select TOOLS
4. Click on GENERAL TAB
5. At Temporary Internet Files Section, Click on DELETE FILE (a new box appears)
7. Click on OK (this step clears cached memory and removes all old internet files)
8. From the Internet Browser’s Tool Bar, Click on TOOLS
10. Click on the ADVANCED TAB
11. Scroll down to SECURITY
12. Check the option to EMPTY TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES FOLDER when browser is closed.
13. Click on OK
14. Close the browser
15. Now reopen the browser and the On-Screen Keyboard will appear.
Limited Access Password
38) What is a Limited Access Password?
The Limited Access Password (formerly known as the Restricted Access PIN) may be given to one or multiple individuals along with a Login ID to view your pay and tax statements without allowing them to create any pay changes. You may establish a Limited Access Password and Login ID by clicking on the Personal Settings Page option on the main menu, then selecting the Limited Access option. You may delete users' Limited Access at any time. If the user suspends their Limited Access Password you must establish a new Limited Access Password and provide that new Password to the user.
39) What may I use for Limited Access Login ID and Password?
Your Social Security Number may no longer be used as a Login ID. The Limited Access Login ID must not match your Login ID. The other requirements for a Limited Access Login ID are the same as for your Login ID. The requirements for the Limited Access Password are the same as for your Password except that the Limited Access Password cannot match either your Login ID or the Limited Access Login ID.
Email Addresses
40) Why am I prompted to review my email address?
You will be prompted to review your email address(es) yearly so that we know your email address is correct.
DFAS strives to notify customers of issues related to your pay account and most importantly we want to be able to send you a password if you need your password reset.
41) How do I correct my workplace email address if it is invalid or identified as a multiple?
We have a workplace email address on file for you that cannot be used because it was registered to you in error by your email administrator. Please contact your Email Administrator if you have questions and to correct your email address. You may select Email Address on the Main Menu to review the email addresses and providers of those addresses that we have on file for you
If you are a Veterans Affairs employee and your email address is incorrect, you will need to contact your local Human Resources office and they will update your email address.
If you have an email address that is,, or, or, you may also add a valid .mil workplace email address as your personal email address if it is not posted to your myPay account.
If your workplace email address is invalid or already in use:
• To correct your ID/CAC card email address, please contact your RAPIDS Station point of contact, Personnel Center or the DMDC Help Desk at (800) 538-9552 to have your record corrected.
• To correct a Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) email address, go to, click on "My Profile". Updating it there will update it in myPay approximately the first of each month.
• To correct an Army AKO email address (, contact your local site’s email administrator or go to myPay updates these email addresses weekly.
• To correct a, contact your local site’s email administrator. myPay updates these email addresses weekly.
• To correct an email address, contact your local site’s email administrator. myPay updates these email addresses weekly.
Assistance/customer support
42) What kind of help does the DFAS Centralized Customer Support Unit provide?
For problems using myPay, or with your myPay PIN, contact the DFAS Centralized Customer Support Unit toll-free at 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411 orcommercial at (216) 522-5096 or Defense Switching Network (DSN) at 580-5096. This support line is available Monday through Friday, 7:00 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time.
The Centralized Customer Support Unit can provide assistance on how to use the options available to you in myPay. The Centralized Customer Support Unit will also provide support for establishing and changing your PIN.
For ALL other payroll information please contact your servicing pay office or your customer service representatives.
43) Who can help me with my pay account?
Questions concerning SPECIFIC PAY ACCOUNT INFORMATION should be directed to the servicing payroll office or to your normal customer service representative as follows:
Civilian Employees Your local Customer Service Representative
Military Retirees 1-800-321-1080
Annuitants 1-800-321-1080 (US) or (216) 522-5955 (Outside US)
Military Former Spouses 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, DSN 580-5096
Military Members:
U.S. Air Force Active Your Local Finance Office
U.S. Air Force Reserves Your Local Reserve Center Finance Office
U.S. Army Active Your servicing Defense Military Pay Office or Finance Battalion
U.S. Army Reserves 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, DSN 580-5096 or your administrative unit
U.S. National Guard 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, DSN 580-5096 or your administrative unit
U.S. Army Separatees 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, DSN 580-5096
U.S. Marine Corps Active Your Local Admin Office
U.S. Marine Corps Reserves Your Local Admin Office
U.S. Navy Active 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, DSN 580-5096 or your Local Personnel Support Detachment
U.S. Navy Reserves 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, DSN 580-5096 or your Local Reserve Personnel Support Detachment
NAF Employee Your local administrative office.
Travel voucher status is available at 1-888-332-7366 (option 1) or DSN 699-0300 for OCONUS travelers.
Military Retirees that are in a non-pay status due to a VA Waiver or Combat Pay can still access myPay but will have limited options available. Questions should be referred to the customer service previously listed.
LES or Pay Statement display and delivery
44) May I view and print my Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) or Pay Statement on-line?
All Active/Reserve Military and Civilians: You can view and print your Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) on-line. You may access your LES from the "Main Menu" by clicking on the Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) option. If you have trouble reading the graphic version of your LES, you can click on the "Text Version" link. The text version of your LES lists all your LES pay data items in a single column.
Your LESs will remain available for a temporary period of time after your separation.
For Non Appropriated Fund employees: Your last 26 LESs will remain available until they have cycled off through normal monthly updates.
For Army, Navy and Air Force (Active): Your last 12 LESs will remain available until they have cycled off through normal monthly updates, or you have separated from military service.
For Army, Navy, and Air Force (Reserve): Your LESs for the last 13 months will remain available until they have cycled off through normal monthly updates.
For Marines (Active and Reserve): Your last 12 LESs will remain available until they have cycled off through normal monthly updates.
For Civilians: Your last 26 LESs will remain available until they have cycled off through normal pay period updates.
Annuitants and Retired Military: You can view and print your account statements on-line. If you have trouble reading the graphic version of your account statement, you can click on the "Text Version" link. The text version of your account statement lists all of your pay data items information in a single column.
Former Spouses: You can view and print your Pay Statements on-line. You may access your Pay Statement from the “Main Menu” by clicking on the Payment Information option. If you have trouble reading the graphic version of your Pay Statement, you can click on the “Text Version” link. The text version of your Pay Statement lists all of your pay data items information in a single column.
45) Will I continue to receive my hard copy Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) or Pay statement?
Service or Agency Policy will determine if delivery of your hard copy Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) or pay statement will remain the same. However, if you like viewing and printing your LES electronically, you can use myPay to stop the delivery of your hard copy LES or pay statement. (Not available for Former Spouses)
46) How do I stop delivery of my hard copy LES or Pay statement?
You will find the option to stop the hard copy delivery of your LES or pay statement on the Main Menu. You may also use the myPay Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) toll-free at 1-877-363-3677, or commercial at (478) 757-3119 to stop hard copy delivery of the LES or pay statement. (Not available for Former Spouses)
47) Once I have elected to stop hard copy delivery, can I start it back up later?
Yes. Using the same process described above, you can re-start the hard copy delivery of your LES or pay statement. Service or Agency Policy will determine if delivery of your hard copy Leave and Earnings Statement or pay statement will resume.
48) Can I print my LES or Pay Statement?
Yes. There are instructions under Help on how to print your LES or Pay Statement.
49) I am having problems printing my LES or Pay Statement. What should I do?
We recommend that you select the Printer Friendly Version of your LES if you desire to print or save your LES. It requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Often, Acrobat Reader is already added to web browsers. If you don't have Adobe Reader and applicable security policies allow you to install it, it can be downloaded at
If you prefer the HTML version, you can print it. However, you may have to make adjustments to your margins in your browser Page Setup for optimal printing of the HTML version. If your LES or Pay Statement is cut off at any margin, go to themyPay Home Page to adjust the margins of your browser. Once the myPay Home Page is opened, access the "File" dropdown menu and select "Page Setup". Within the "Page Setup" window, adjust the left and right margins to .25 inches and the top and bottom margins to .5 inches. If that does not solve the problem, click on the View menu, Select "Text Size", and click on medium. If you continue to have the problem after following the above instructions, click on the Tools menu, select "Internet Options", click the General Tab, click the Fonts button, select "Latin Based", select "Arial Narrow" or "New Times Roman" and click OK and click OK.
For all other printing issues, please contact the DFAS Centralized Customer Support Unit toll free at 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, or commercial at (216) 522-5096, or Defense Switching Network (DSN) at 580-5096.
50) Can I save my LES or Pay Statement as a file on a disk, instead of printing it?
We recommend that you select the Printer Friendly Version of your LES if you desire to print or save your LES. It requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Often, Acrobat Reader is already added to web browsers. If you don't have Adobe Reader and applicable security policies allow you to install it, it can be downloaded at
If you prefer the HTML version and you are using Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher, you can save your LES or Pay Statement as an HTML file on a disk or your hard drive by using the Save Option button displayed above your LES or Pay Statement. Follow the screen instructions displayed by your browser.
Tax statements
51) May I view and print my tax statement on-line?
This option is available to view and print your tax statements.
You may also view and print your Travel W-2 (Do-It-Yourself, Permanent Change of Station, and Temporary Duty) and Miscellaneous W-2 (loan repayments, suggestions awards, referral bonuses and back pay).
These options are not available for Former Spouses.
The Travel and Miscellaneous W-2 options are not available for Broadcasting Board of Governors, Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs and Non-Appropriated Fund employees.
For Active/Reserve Military: You may view, print and save your W-2 Wage and Tax Statement on-line. You may access your W-2 from the “Main Menu” by clicking on the Tax Statement (W-2) option. If you have trouble reading the graphic version of your W-2, you can click on the “Text Version” link. The text version of your W-2 lists all your W-2 data items in a single column.
Army Active, Army Reserve and Army Guard soldiers are able to view, print and save their Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) tax statements on myPay.
Annuitants: You can view, print and save your tax statement. The tax statement displayed on myPay is the end of year tax statement. Additionally, if the tax statement displayed is incorrect, please contact your customer service representative.
For Civilians: You can view, print and save your tax statement. The tax statement displayed on myPay is the end of year tax statement. Additionally, if the tax statement displayed is incorrect, please see your customer service representative.
Non Appropriated Fund employees: You can view, print and save your tax statement. You may access your W-2 from the “Main Menu” by clicking on the Tax Statement (W-2) option. Any corrected tax statements issued will not be reflected in myPay. Additionally, if the tax statement displayed is incorrect, please see your installation representative
Retirees: You can view, print and save your tax statements. The tax statement displayed on myPay is the end of year tax statement. Additionally, if the tax statement displayed is incorrect, please contact your customer service representative.
We recommend you use the Printer Friendly version of your tax statement. For Printer Friendly information, please see FAQ # 54.
If Acrobat Reader is not available to you or you prefer HTML, you can print the HTML version of your tax statement. Follow these instructions. The appearance of the tax statement varies according to the Browser used and your PC's resolution. You will have to adjust your Page Setup for the best printing results. For Internet Explorer, begin with setting the Top and Bottom margins at ".50" inches and the Right and Left margins at ".25" inches. For printing the W-2C on Internet Explorer, begin with setting the Top and Bottom margins at ".80" inches and the Right and Left margins at ".25" inches.
For Internet Explorer if you see a URL, page number, etc. on your printed copy, use Page Setup to clear out the Header and Footer information. Most Browser defaults are set to capture this information so that when an individual prints from the Internet, they will know where the printed data came from. Finally, if you do not want to print the "Back" and "Print" buttons on an extra page, count the number of W-2/W-2C Forms displayed. For every 2 forms displayed there will be one print page. Example, if you have 4 W-2 Forms displayed, the current setup will print 2 on page 1, 2 on page 2, and the Buttons on page 3. So if you set the print range to print only pages 1 through 2, you save a page that contains only the 2 buttons.
Before filing your tax return, carefully separate the copies printed on a single page. When filing your tax return, you are not required to include/send the instructions on the back of the tax statement.
For all other printing issues, please contact the DFAS Centralized Customer Support Unit toll free at 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, or commercial at (216) 522-5096, or Defense Switching Network (DSN) at 580-5096.
You will be able to access myPay and view your W-2 for one (1) year after you are no longer in a pay status or separated.
52) How do I stop delivery of my hard copy W-2?
Most users have the option on the Tax Statement screen as well as on the main menu. Exceptions are Annuitants, Savings Deposit Program and Army Student Loan Repayment Program participants, and Travel/Miscellaneous W-2 recipients, for whom there is no option to turn on/off hard copies.
Changing your election to electronic processes the transaction for your pay system that will turn off the hard copy delivery of your Tax Statement.
53) Once I have elected to stop hard copy of delivery of my W-2, can I start it back up later?
Annually during the period December 1 through January 31, no change can be made to the W-2 delivery method. Using the same process described above, you can make changes to the W-2 delivery method outside of the above "no change" period.
Changing your election to hard copy processes the transaction for your pay system that will re-start the hard copy delivery of your Tax Statement.
Printer Friendly Version
54) How do I use the Printer Friendly Versions for my account and tax statements?
We recommend that you use the Printer Friendly Version of your account and tax statements. The Printer Friendly Version of your account and tax statements is available by clicking the "Printer Friendly" button. It requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Often, Acrobat Reader is already added to web browsers. If you don't have Adobe Reader and applicable security policies allow you to install it; it can be downloaded at
Some Internet Explorer users may encounter one of the following problems when they attempt to use the Printer Friendly Version. Some may see a File Download dialog box and others may see an error message, "Internet Explorer cannot download...". Both conditions can be addressed by following these steps:
1. Click the Tools Menu at the top of your Internet Explorer browser.
2. Click "Internet Options".
3. Click the Advanced tab.
4. Scroll down until you find the "Do not save encrypted pages to disk".
5. Remove the checkmark from the box adjacent to that text.
6. Click the Apply button.
7. Click the OK button.
Before filing your tax return, carefully separate the copies printed on a single page. When filing your tax return, you are not required to include/send the instructions on the back of the tax statement.
For all other printing issues, please contact the DFAS Centralized Customer Support Unit at 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, or commercial at (216) 522-5096, or Defense Switching Network (DSN) at 580-5096.
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
55) What TSP transactions can be made via myPay?
TSP via myPay is available only to Active/Reserve Military Members, Health and Human Services (HHS) employees, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) employees and Veterans Affairs (VA) employees.
The following transactions can be made:
• Start enrollment of TSP at anytime unless you make a financial hardship withdrawal, you may not make contributions for six months following the withdrawal.
• Military Members can start or change percentage of basic pay/incentive pay/special pay at any time if they are contributing to basic pay.
• Cancel contributions at any time throughout the year.
56) When can I sign up for the TSP?
If you are eligible, you can sign up to contribute to the TSP at any time.
57) Where can I get a TSP form?
Changes to your TSP can be made through myPay and do not require a form. However, if you prefer to submit a paper form (available on the TSP Web site, ) or if you are interested in a loan, you must contact your servicing personnel-payroll office.
58) What is the percentage of contribution that I can elect?
Military Members: The Thrift Savings Program provides an opportunity to invest in your future. You have the opportunity to elect up to 100% of “resulting pay” which is gross basic pay less mandatory deductions and TSP loan payments. Military members can also contribute from 1% to 100% of any incentive pay; special pay or bonus pay if they elect to contribute to basic pay.
Choose your TSP election percentage wisely and remember to consider your other monthly obligations. You should carefully calculate the percentage of basic pay allocated to TSP per month keeping in mind the total TSP contribution amount for 2012 is $17,000 deferred and up to $50,000 total of exempt and deferred if you have been deployed to a combat zone. Also consider all current deductions such as: Social Security and Medicare tax; garnishments; alimony; child support; and all allotments. Determine your ability to maximize your TSP contribution while maintaining enough funds to support your lifestyle. In cases where your percentage election exceeds resulting pay (i.e., pay after deductions) DFAS will work with you and your supporting finance office to provide the TSP percentage that is closest to the percentage you elected.
Air Force, Army, and Navy Members: Basic Pay elections of 86% and above will be reviewed to ensure all mandatory deductions are properly identified and deducted before deriving the maximum percentage available for your TSP Basic Pay election. If your proposed percentage will adversely affect you, your servicing finance office will contact you.
For Marines contributing to TSP: when you reach the IRS maximum amount for the year, the TSP contribution will be automatically suspended. No action is necessary. January of the following year, your TSP contributions will be unsuspended and contributions will automatically begin again. No action is necessary.
Internal Revenue Code section 402(g) and section 415(c) may limit your annual contributions. See the Summary of the Thrift Savings Plan for the Uniformed Services for more information about these statutory limitations.
59) How can I make fund allocation changes?
myPay does not allow you to change the investment of your contributions. To change the investment of your contributions, you may visit the TSP web site at or submit form TSP-50 available from your servicing personnel or payroll office.
Direct Deposit
60) What are the different types of Direct Deposit categories?
NET PAY EFT: Your Current Direct Deposit Information for your Paycheck.
TRAVEL EFT: Your Current Direct Deposit information for your Travel Pay (Army Active and Reserve only).
MISCELLANEOUS EFT: Your Current Direct Deposit information for your Miscellaneous Reimbursements (Army Active and Reserve only).
All EFT options provide the capability to View/Change the Financial Institution, account type and account number.
If you are starting or changing a Direct Deposit and your new routing transit number (RTN) does not work, please verify the number with your financial institution. If the number is valid, please notify the DFAS Centralized Customer Support Unit toll free at 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, or commercial at (216) 522-5096, orDefense Switching Network (DSN) at 580-5096 of the discrepancy.
Savings Bonds
61) How do I purchase Savings Bonds in myPay and how do I request Bonds held in safekeeping?
Effective September 30, 2010, the Department of Defense no longer sells U.S. Savings Bonds through payroll deduction. You no longer can purchase Savings Bonds using the myPay Savings Bond option.
If you wish to start or continue purchasing Savings Bonds through payroll deduction, you must establish an account through Then you may use myPay to start an allotment to TreasuryDirect by clicking on the allotment option at the Main Menu.
For more information on TreasuryDirect, you may click the TreasuryDirect link on the myPay home page under External Resources Quick Links.
All bonds being held in safekeeping as of the above date for ACTIVE DUTY MEMBERS will continue to be held until they are requested.
The request must include the service member’s name, complete Social Security Number, a valid address where the member would like the bonds to be mailed, a daytime telephone number, and the member’s dated signature. The request must indicate that the member wants the bonds released from safekeeping. Thirty days must be allowed before a member can claim non-receipt of a bond.
Navy members may submit their signed request in writing or by fax to:
DFAS-Cleveland Center
1240 East 9th Street
Cleveland, OH 44199
FAX: 216-522-6358 OR DSN 580-6358
PHONE VOICE: 216-522-5880
DSN VOICE: 580-5880
Marine Corps members may submit their signed request in writing or by fax to:
DFAS-Cleveland Center
1240 East 9th Street
Cleveland, OH 44199-2055
FAX: 216-522-6358 OR DSN 580-6358
PHONE VOICE: 216-522-5880
DSN VOICE: 580-5880
Army members may submit their signed request in writing, fax, or by email to:
Center Collection Mailbox
3801 Center Collection
P.O. Box 269490
Indianapolis, IN 46226-9490
FAX: 317-212-4339 or DSN 699-4339
PHONE VOICE: 317-212-8539
DSN VOICE: 699-8539
Air Force members may submit their signed request in writing, fax, or by email to:
Center Collection Mailbox
3801 Center Collection
P.O. Box 269490
Indianapolis, IN 46226-9490
FAX: 317-212-4339 or DSN 699-4339
PHONE VOICE: 317-212-8539
DSN VOICE: 699-8539
State Taxes
62) What type of state tax changes may I make in myPay?
If you have a state tax option, and your state taxing authority has an agreement with the Department of Defense, you will be able to use myPay to change your state tax withholding.
For Civilians, you now have the option to change your state taxing authority. You must select a state from the drop down menu.
Military (Active and Reserve), you will not be permitted to add or change a state tax authority. To change your state tax authority you must see your customer service representative or local finance office.
Travel Advice of Payment (AOP)
63) What is Travel Advice Of Payment (AOP)?
The Travel Advice of Payment (AOP) option provides myPay users with the capability to view and print their processed TDY Travel Vouchers on-line.
Travel voucher status is available at 1-888-332-7366 (option 1) or DSN 699-0300 for OCONUS travelers.
64) May I view and print my Travel Advice of Payment (AOP) statement on-line?
You may access your AOP from the "Main Menu" by clicking on the "Travel Voucher Advice of Payment” AOP option. If you have any trouble printing your Travel AOP, refer to the suggestions in FAQ #42.
In general, DFAS Indianapolis processes vouchers for Army military and civilian employees, while DFAS Cleveland processes vouchers for Navy military and civilian employees, DFAS Columbus processes vouchers for DFAS civilians and civilian employees from other Defense Agencies.
Effective September 19, 2005, Defense Travel System (DTS) vouchers are available for the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines and Civilians. The AOP produced by DTS currently does not contain a breakdown of the daily Per Diem amounts and the Reimbursable Expenses.
If you need more information about which Center pays your voucher, or if you have questions about whether or not your voucher will be available based on the voucher number, please contact your local travel office.
65) Will all of my Travel Advice of Payment (AOP) statements be available?
NO. myPay will make travel vouchers available for six months from the date the voucher was paid. Once a voucher is older than six months, that particular voucher will not be available in myPay.
Although the vast majority of vouchers processed by DFAS-Indianapolis and DFAS-Columbus are available, there are some "rare" travel vouchers that will not be on line for these centers.
Savings Deposit Program
66) Who should I contact if I have questions about my Savings Deposit Program (SDP) account statement or1099-INT?
Contact the Centralized Customer Support Unit toll free at 1-888-DFAS411 or 1-888-332-7411, or commercial (216) 522-5096, or Defense Switching Network (DSN)580-5096 (7:00 A.M. – 6:30 P.M. / Eastern time)
67) Who is eligible to participate in the Savings Deposit Program?
Members of the Armed Forces serving in specified combat zones or in support of a contingency operation are authorized to make deposits. Service members must be in receipt of Hostile Fire Pay and be deployed for at least 30 consecutive days or at least 1 day in each of 3 consecutive months. Contact your Finance Office to verify your eligibility.
68) How may contributions be made?
Members may contribute up to 100% of their disposable (net) pay. Contributions may be made either by a savings allotment with a unique bank routing number, or by cash (or check) deposit. Make the deposit or start the allotment at your local pay office. When reviewing your statement, keep in mind that there may be a delay in the posting of cash deposits.
69) What is the maximum that I may deposit?
There is no limit on the amount that may be contributed; however no interest is paid on amounts exceeding $10,000.00. If you are depositing by allotment it will not stop automatically when the balance reaches $10,000.00. You must monitor the balance and request the allotment be stopped. Army, Navy, and Air Force members may stop their SDP allotment in myPay from within the SDP Withdrawal Request option.
70) What is the interest rate?
The interest rate is 10% annually, earned at 2.5% per quarter. No interest is paid on amounts exceeding $10,000.00. Deposits made by the 10th of a month will earn interest from the 1st of that month. Deposits made after the 10th accrue interest from the first day of the following month. Your account will continue to earn interest for 90 days after leaving the combat zone. Combat zone departure must be posted in order for interest accrual to be correctly stopped.
71) Is interest taxable?
Yes, the interest is taxable. Combat zone rules do not apply. No federal or state tax is withheld. A 1099-INT is issued no later than January 31st for Savings Deposit Program interest. If you do not receive your 1099-INT in the mail you may contact Customer Support to request that it be reissued to you.
72) How may I withdraw the money in my account?
Use the SDP Withdrawal Request option in myPay located on a link at the top of the account statement. You may expect your EFT payment within five (5) to seven (7) business days after submission. Please allow for additional time if hard copy check is requested.
Non-myPay applications
73)What do I do if other non-myPay applications/systems require me to use my SSN and myPay PIN, instead of my myPay Login ID and Password?
Some non-myPay applications may continue to require you to enter a current SSN and myPay PIN combination for authentication even if you have already established a new Login ID and password. You may establish or change your myPay PIN at any time using the myPay website. First log into myPay using your myPay Login ID and Password, then from the myPay main menu under the Personal Setting Page option, click on the Change PIN for use on systems other than myPay Web.
74) What if I do not know or have forgotten my PIN?
If you do not know or have forgotten your PIN, you may establish a new myPay PIN using the myPay website. First log into myPay using your myPay Login ID and Password, then from the myPay main menu under the Personal Setting Page option, click on the Change PIN for use on systems other than myPay Web.
75) If I lock myself out while trying to use my SSN/PIN combination on a non-myPay website or other application, will I be locked out of the myPay website? How do I get my PIN account unsuspended?
If you suspend your PIN using a non-myPay application, wait 24 hours and then try again. You will still be able to log into myPay Web with your Login ID and Password. Once logged in, you may reset/change your PIN. (First log into myPay using your myPay Login ID and Password, then from the myPay main menu under the Personal Setting Page option, click on the Change PIN for use on systems other than myPay Web.)
Logging Into myPay Using the On-Screen Keyboard Without a Mouse
76) How do I use the On-Screen Keyboard without a mouse?
The On-Screen Keyboard is one of many Security features myPay introduced to protect the security and privacy of your data in our system. The advantage of using the On-Screen Keyboard, with keys that display in random order each time you log on, is that others with potentially malicious intent are deterred from learning your Password.
When you arrive at myPay and enter your Login ID, you will be presented the option to use the On-Screen Keyboard to enter your Password.
To log in to myPay using the On-Screen Keyboard without a mouse:
1. Type your Login ID under Account Access on the myPay Home Page, and then press the hyperlink for the On-Screen Keyboard.
2. You must rely on the “Tab” key and the “Space Bar” to enter your Password. You Cannot use the arrow keys to make selections or move around within the On-Screen Keyboard. With some assistive software there may also be browser access keys built into the application that can help speed up your data entry (see specifics on access keys below).
a. To start entering your password using the On-Screen Keyboard, use the Tab key to move through the keys until you arrive at the first number, letter or special character of your password. Press the Space Bar to select. The first position of your password will appear (masked) in the text box.
b. The cursor will return to the first number in the first row of the On-Screen keyboard after selecting each character.
c. Tab to each subsequent number, letter or special character of your password, and then press the Space Bar to select.
d. After entering your complete password using the On-Screen Keyboard, press the Tab key to go to the “Accept/Submit” button. Press the Space Bar to select, or use the built in access key combination of ALT 6 (if available) to submit your password.
e. In order to ensure all special character buttons are read back to users of Jaws for Windows, the punctuation must be set to “all”. This allows for all of the keys on the On-Screen Keyboard to speak. If Jaws punctuation is set to "some" or "none" then keys such as "!" and "_" will not speak, often all that is said is "button." To set punctuation to all in Jaws the steps are as follows:
(1) Bring up "Jaws options" with an "insert+v" key.
(2) Either arrow down to punctuation level or press the letter <p> until you come to punctuation.
(3) If you enter an incorrect number, letter or special character using the On-Screen Keyboard, tab to the On-Screen Keyboard Backspace button and then press the Space Bar to select it to erase the last position entered.
If you want to clear all the numbers/letters/characters you entered, tab to the Clear button on the On-Screen Keyboard and select it by pressing the space bar.
(4) The "Return" key will exit from Jaws Options.
3. If you enter an incorrect number, letter or special character using the On-Screen Keyboard, tab to the On-Screen Keyboard Backspace button and then press the Space Bar to select it to erase the last position entered.
If you want to clear all the numbers/letters/characters you entered, tab to the Clear button on the On-Screen Keyboard and select it by pressing the space bar.
Using Access Keys to Speed Up Data Entry
If your browser supports access keys you can use them to more easily navigate through the On-Screen keyboard. Access keys allow you to quickly jump to specified rows within the On-Screen Keyboard instead of tabbing completely through the keyboard to enter your password. The following are commonly found access keys:
Alt 1: jump to row containing randomly presented Numeric Characters 1 thru 0.
Alt 2: jump to row containing randomly presented Symbolic Characters, i.e., !, =, -, etc,.
This row also contains the Backspace and Clear keys.
Alt 3: jump to first row containing randomly presented Alpha Characters.
Alt 4: jump to second row containing randomly presented Alpha Characters.
Alt 5: jump to third row containing randomly presented Alpha Characters.
Alt 6: Submits your password after you finish entering all characters.
Printing and Saving your LES Without Using a Mouse.
77) How do I print and save my LES without using a mouse?
There are several options available to save your LES to your computer within myPay without using a mouse. Near the beginning of browser screens displaying your LES, you’ll find buttons labeled as Save, Print and Printer Friendly Version.
SAVE Button
After tabbing to the Save Button and then pressing Enter the 'Save As' dialog box appears. This gives you the option of saving your LES to your computer as a HTML or text file. Users with screen reader software such as JAWS For Windows can use the application to read back the LES saved as either HTML or text.
PRINT Button
Provides normal functionality to print your LES on an available printer.
Pressing Enter on the Printer Friendly Version Button gives you several options to consider. If you have the Adobe accessibility turned on in Adobe Acrobat, the program will try to read the LES. Acrobat may or may not display the “Reading untagged Document” Dialog box. If you want to print your LES you need to answer cancel to this dialog. Acrobat will then go ahead and display the LES on your screen without performing the accessibility features of the program. Users of Jaws for Windows may hear the words “document not available.” In fact the LES is really on the screen at this time. To go ahead and print, select print (Alt f) from the dropdown menu or just press (Ctrl + p). The windows printer dialog will appear. Select OK and your LES will print.
SmartDocs notifications
78) Beware of email Scams.
Customers should be aware of a scam in which recipients receive an email that claims to come from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS). The email states that the customers password has been established or changed with an attachment that contains malicious software (malware) that infects the intended victim’s computers. To avoid malware do not click on any links, or open any attachments. Be vigilant and update your computer with antivirus software and patches.
DFAS does send notifications when a Password has been established or changed in myPay from Emails from do not contain attachments of any kind. Ensure that when you receive an email from DFAS that the email is being sent to an email address that you have registered with DFAS.
myPay Mobile
79) What do I need to get started using the myPay mobile site?
• You only need two things to get started:
• A mobile phone with a web browser. Phones that work best with the myPay mobile capability include the iPhone, Android (DROID), Blackberry and other Windows mobile devices.
• A myPay user account and the same Login ID and password you currently use to manage your myPay account on your computer.
Not enrolled? Go online to and click on the “Create an Account” link in the LOG IN section on the left side of the screen. Follow the instructions for creating your Login ID and Password.
80) Is there a special URL for the mobile site?
Simply visit We can automatically detect if you are using your iPhone, Android, Blackberry or other Windows mobile device, and will load a mobile version of the site.
81) What is the mobile site?
The myPay mobile capability makes it possible for you to manage your account on the go, by making key information and capabilities accessible from a mobile phone.
82) Will myPay have an Application (APP) Download?
Not at this time. There are a limited number of SmartPhones that offer Application download capabilities. Since myPay services over 6 million customers, the Mobile capability offers the ability for a wider range of users to access myPay via the SmartPhone.
83) How can I manage my account on the mobile site?
The mobile site delivers key account information to your fingertips. On your mobile phone, you will be able to instantly access:
• Your pay statements (Leave and Earnings, Retiree Account Statement, etc.)
• Access to the myPay full Site for transactions (Change Allotment, etc.) and tax statements (W-2, 1099)
84) What devices can I use to access the mobile site?
The mobile site can be accessed from mobile phones that support a mobile browser. Phones that work best with the myPay mobile capability include the iPhone, Android (DROID), Blackberry and other Windows mobile devices. Please reference your mobile phone’s user manual to learn more about using your web browser on your mobile phone. In addition, make sure that your mobile phone has cookies enabled.
The Apple iPod touch® can also access the mobile site, as long as you are connected to a WiFi network.
85) Which carriers support the mobile site?
You can access the mobile site from almost any carrier network. Using a mobile web browser may require a data plan. Please contact your carrier for specific pricing information for your data plan.
86) Can I access the mobile site while travelling abroad?
Yes, but be aware of roaming fees. Please contact your carrier for specific pricing information.
87) What is my myPay mobile site Login ID and Password?
Use the same Login ID and Password you use to access https://mypay.dfas.milon the computer. If you do not have a Login ID and Password, or you have forgotten your Login ID or Password, go online to, click on the applicable link in the LOG IN section on the left side of the screen and follow the instructions.
88) How is the mobile site different from the regular site?
The homepage has been optimized for your mobile phone and key account information and management options are delivered in an easy to read format.
89) How secure is my information?
• myPay Mobile uses the same security standards as our myPay full site:
• 128-bit encryption to protect your sensitive information
• Uses firewall and intrusion detection software to block outsiders
• Features internationally recognized security standards
To protect all data sent to and from myPay, your information is transmitted using end-to-end encryption and is not cached.
However, please note that myPay does not operate or control, and thus cannot guarantee, the wireless networks used to access the mobile site. Carrier protocols may vary. Check with your wireless service provider for information about their privacy and security practices.
Note: NEVER store confidential information (i.e., myPay Password) on the mobile device and NEVER divulge the Password to others.
90) Why won’t the mobile site load on my mobile device?
Please check your reception level. A low reception level could cause spotty or extremely slow access—or even prevent you from accessing the mobile site at all.
If you are on a BlackBerry® device, try using “Internet Browser” instead of the default “BlackBerry Browser.”
If your reception is fine, another possibility is that we are experiencing a technical problem on our end. Please call the DFAS Customer Care Center at 1-888-332-7411 if you wish to check the status of the mobile site, or need further help to access your account.
Also, the problem could be with your mobile device. Please contact your carrier for specific information.
91) Which browser should I use on a BlackBerry® device?
Please use the “Internet Browser” that is pre-installed on the device. To make it your default browser, select Options > Advanced Options > Browser. Then choose Internet Browser.
Most BlackBerry devices use the “BlackBerry Browser” by default, which is not compatible with many firewalls. Using it could prevent you from accessing the mobile site.
92) Why am I having trouble entering my Login ID and Password?
You may wish to turn auto text (T9) off during the text entry process. T9 software predicts what you want to type as you type. To turn off T9, select an input method such as "Abc," "abc," or "Insert Numbers." To turn on T9, select "Auto Text," "Predictive Text," or "T9." Please reference your mobile phone's user manual for detailed instructions.
CAC enable
93) What if I don’t have a DoD Common Access Card (CAC)?
You can still access myPay using your Login ID and Password.
94) How do I register my DoD Common Access Card (CAC)?
• Follow these easy step-by-step instructions:
• You will need a computer with a CAC reader.
• Ensure your CAC is in the computer and select the “DoD CAC Login” button right from the myPay home page at
• Select the certificate associated with your CAC. Select only one certificate if two or more are displayed
• You will be prompted to enter the PIN associated with your CAC. Enter your PIN and select “OK”
• Next you will be asked to enter your SSN, twice.
• Your CAC registration will be confirmed. You may use it to log in the next time you access myPay. (Note: the name displayed is the name registered on your CAC)
• If you do not yet have a Login ID, you will be prompted to enter a Login ID and Password
• Select “Main” to continue
95) What if my SSN does not match the pre-registered information?
myPay performs a database check at the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC).
If you receive the error your SSN does not match the information, please contact your RAPIDS Station Point of Contact, your Personnel Center or the DMDC Help Desk at (800) 538-9552 to have your records corrected.
To locate the nearest ID card office you can use the RAPIDS Locator Web site.
You can still access myPay using your Login ID and Password until the records are corrected.
96) What if I don’t know my DoD CAC PIN or my CAC is Expired or Revoked?
Please contact your RAPIDS Station Point of Contact, your Personnel Center or the DMDC Help Desk at (800) 538-9552 to have your records corrected.
You can still access myPay using your Login ID and Password until the records are corrected.
To locate the nearest ID card office you can use the RAPIDS Locator Web site.
97) What if I am a new employee?
If you are a new employee/member your myPay account may not be established. If you enter myPay with your CAC and your account is not established you will be advised to try your CAC again in 30-45 days.
98) Why do I have to setup a Login ID and Password if I access myPay using my CAC?
You will still need a Login ID and Password if you access myPay from a PC or Mobile Phone that is not CAC enabled.
99) What happens if myPay does not have my DoD CAC information?
If you select “DoD CAC Login” button and myPay does not have your CAC information from a database check at the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC), you will be advised to access myPay using your Login ID and Password and given the option to self-register your DoD CAC.
• Enter your myPay Login ID and Password
• The Self-Registration screen will display your name.
o If the name is NOT yours, you should exit the system immediately.
o If the name is yours, select “Yes” to register your CAC
• Your CAC is registered and you may use it the next time you access myPay
• Select “Main” to continue.
DMDC = Defense Manpower Data Center
Protecting Your Computer
As the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) continues to protect information and data on myPay – we want to remind customers that they too have a responsibility to take measures to protect their personal information from scams and identity theft.
In the past several months, two private U.S. industry firms disclosed that overseas hackers broke into customer accounts. According to the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at one of these firms, these attacks were carried out by “keylogging” software installed on users PC’s. This software allowed the thieves to steal the users account information from their home computers, by capturing the user's keystrokes. They were able to detect passwords, IDs and other personal information from a diagnostic used in the software development which is also known as “keystroke logging”. Key logging software is often installed on systems when an individual simply views emails or clicks links that look and seem like reputable sites.
myPay uses a variety of security features to protect data and in its transmission to users’ computers. “The secure technology provided to myPaycustomers meets or exceeds security requirements in private industry worldwide,” said Pat Shine, director DFAS Operations. The features include items such as 128 bit encryption, firewalls, Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and other measures. “It is also important that customers do everything they can to protect data from being compromised or captured on their computers, especially when using personal computers at home,” explained Shine.
“Phishing” attacks trick people into parting with personal information by luring them to false corporate Web sites or by requesting personal information be sent in a return email. According to the Federal Trade Commission, “‘Phishers’ send emails or pop-up messages claiming to be from a business or organization you would routinely deal with – an internet service provider, bank, online payment service or even a government agency. The message usually says that you need to ‘update’ or ‘validate’ your account information and might threaten dire consequences if you don’t respond. You are directed to a Web site that mimics a legitimate organization’s site. The purpose of the bogus site is to trick you into divulging personal information so the scam operators can steal your identity and make purchases or commit crimes in your name.”
Whether it be phishing, identity theft, government email scams, credit card offers or electronic commerce fraud there are scammers on the Internet who are very creative and constantly come up with new scams or variations on old scams. The only way to fight this is with knowledge.
Here are several things customers should consider to protect data not only when using myPay, but any electronic commerce activity (e.g. on-line banking, credit card purchases, etc.):
1. Install operating system and application software (e.g. Internet Explorer) updates regularly. Many of these updates are issued to fix security problems which have been identified.
2. Install and use anti-virus software and personal firewalls. Keep this software updated. The correct use of these programs can help protect your system from being compromised by malicious software (e.g. software which can capture information processed on your computer, etc). The DoD Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT) makes this type of software available to most DoD employees (check with your agency).
3. Do not store your various User-IDs and passwords in files on your computer. If someone gains access to your computer this is the type of information they look for and would aid them in accessing your account.
4. After using your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, etc) to access a site where you process sensitive information (e.g. myPay, your bank account, etc.) close all of your browser windows and restart a new browser session. Sometimes the browser can hold that information in memory (e.g. cache, etc) and some web sites know where to look to find it.
5. Be very careful when installing software that gives others access to your computer. Remote service software or peer-to-peer software used for file sharing can create unintended openings into your computer that outsiders can use if the software is not configured correctly.
6. Don’t email personal or financial information. Email is not a secure method of transmitting personal information. If you initiate a transaction and want to provide your personal and financial information through a Web site, look for indicators that the site is secure, such as an image of a lock or lock icon on the browser’s status bar or a Web site address that begins “https:” ( the “s” stands for “secure”).
7. DFAS does not send email messages asking customers to update or validate information. We do send email messages that provide important information about customer’s pay account, but we never ask for customers to send passwords, login names, Social Security numbers, or other personal information through e-mail.
“Maintaining the safety and security of myPay is a top priority”, said Shine. “We proactively implement new security features on a routine basis to protect our customers against identity theft and scams.”
About DFAS
The Defense Finance and Accounting Service provides responsive, professional finance and accounting services to the men and women who defend America. DFAS pays about 6 million people and in FY 2009 made 7.8 million travel payments, paid 12.8 million commercial invoices, made $553 billion in disbursements to pay recipients, and managed $426.7 billion in military retirement and health benefits funds. For more about DFAS visit
Password On Demand
trusted agent list
DD 214 – Military Service Record
Amend or Change DD 214 or Other Military Records
Published 09/10/2004 10:11 AM | Updated 03/01/2011 10:46 AM
How do I amend my DD-214?
You can obtain instructions for changing/correcting your military service record or changing your discharge status by leaving the VA website and going to
If your military service record requires a change or correction, you will need to submit DD Form 149, Application for Correction of Military Records to the relevant service branch (branch addresses are provided on the form). To obtain this form, you will need to leave the VA Website and go to: You can also call 1-800-318-5298.
If you need to change your discharge status you will generally need to submit DD Form 293, Application for the Review of Discharge or Dismissal from the Armed Forces of the United States to the relevant service branch (branch addresses are provided on the form). To obtain this form, you will need to leave the VA Website and go to
For Army records, you may also contact the Department of Defense, Army Review Boards Agency (ARDA).
The ARDA address is:
Army Review Boards Agency (ARBA)
ATTN: Client Information and Quality Assurance
Arlington, VA 22202-4508
Telephonic assistance is available at 1-703-607-1600
You may also send an e-mail to:
Telephonic assistance is available at 1-703-607-1600
You may also send an e-mail to: Changes to DD 214 or other military records cannot be done through VA. Such requests for change must be processed through the Department of Defense, Army Review Boards Agency (ARDA).
The ARDA address is:
Army Review Boards Agency (ARBA)
ATTN: Client Information and Quality Assurance
Arlington, VA 22202-4508
The Army Review Boards Agency also maintains a web site where you may complete an application for a change. The address is: .
The web address is quite long. Please copy and paste the entire address to the address line of your web browser, or make sure you type the entire address from the "Https://" beginning to the "%2flanding.aspx" ending leaving out the quotes. Do not leave any spaces
Telephonic assistance is available at 1-703-607-1600
Department Name(s) Toll Free Number(s)
VA Benefits:
• Burial
• Death Pension
• Dependency Indemnity Compensation
• Direct Deposit
• Directions to VA Benefits Regional Offices
• Disability Compensation
• Disability Pension
• Education
• Home Loan Guaranty
• Medical Care
• Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment 1-800-827-1000
Beneficiaries in receipt of Pension Benefits 1-877-294-6380
Debt Management Center (Collection of Non-Medical Debts) 1-800-827-0648
Children of Women Vietnam Veterans (CWVV)
Foreign Medical Program (FMP)
Spina Bifida Health Care Program 1-877-345-8179 (or)
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA)
CHAMPVA In-House Treatment Initiative (CITI) 1-800-733-8387
Education (GI Bill) 1-888-442-4551
Health Care Benefits 1-877-222-8387
Income Verification and Means Testing 1-800-929-8387
Life Insurance:
Service members and/or Veterans Group Life Insurance Program
All other VA Life Insurance Programs
Mammography Helpline 1-888-492-7844
Meds by Mail 1-888-385-0235 (or)
Special Issues - Gulf War/Agent Orange/Project Shad/Mustard Agents and
Lewisite/Ionizing Radiation 1-800-749-8387
Status of Headstones and Markers 1-800-697-6947
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) 1-800-829-4833
ebenefits sources
VA Veterans Benefits
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